STD Free = Worry Free
- 15% of all infertile (unable to have children) American women are infertile because of tubal damage caused by untreated STD
- 12% of all infertile (unable to have children) American men are infertile because of inflammation of the testicles and sterility caused by untreated STD
- Each year 10 million people ages 15-24 contract an STD
- Some STD’s will NEVER go away
- Condoms do not provide “safe sex”
Sex with condoms isn’t totally “safe sex”. Without consistent and correct use you are at increased risk. And, what about an infected area that is not covered by a condom? You are worth 100% protection from risk or harm!
If you are sexually active get tested. You could be infected and not know it. An infected person may not have symptoms. You could be reaping damage to your body and passing the STD to another person.
YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A STATISTIC Statistics are what has already happened. It doesn’t have to happen to you. You can aim toward an STD free life. STD free = worry free. It IS possible. Abstinence makes it possible. Choose abstinence!
For more info: syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia, HPV.